Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Thoughts

So I feel like I normally sound kind of depressing on my blog's usually about how my life is horrible or I realized I was a terrible person or found a way to be less of a terrible person.  But fear not! Today I am super happy and instead of gloom, I will be sprinkling a wee bit of sunshine on your day.

As you all know I'm raising money to work at Team Expansion right now and it's been a bit of a process. In January it'll be a whole year since I first started fundraising. At first I thought I'd be down in Louisville by the summer (as in last summer) and then when that didn't work my goal became fall, which also didn't work. So needless to say, the reality of my working with Team Expansion has always seemed far off. I never had any intention of giving up, it just seems like it's something that's so far out of reach that it's almost not real. However--I am happy to say I'm getting SUPER close to my goal and will (hopefully!) by in Louisville by Spring of 2012!!

God has really been doing amazing things lately, especially when it comes to my support raising. I've been around $1,000 away from my goal for about a month or so and I'm really running low on contacts. I've talked to most everyone I know already so I was, to be honest, starting to get a little worried that I'd have to come up with a Plan B, like working part time at Team Expansion and getting a part time job somewhere else to help pay the bills. I was getting fairly stressed out about it and I have obviously been praying about it a lot and then just the other day God totally blindsided me with an amazing miracle that cut the rest of the support I need to raise in HALF! How awesome is that!? God has continued to amaze me throughout this whole process and it continues to blow my mind each time!

This means I am now less than $500/month away from living in Louisville. I can't even begin to express how amazing this feels. It's been a crazy long road, and I know I'm not there yet and there's still a lot to do before I can move down there, but it's getting so close that it's becoming real. I'm starting to really believe this is going to happen. I'm starting to look into apartments and furniture and locating Taco Bells in the greater Louisville area.  It's been such a long time in the making and I feel like I'm really going to move, which is super crazy. But also crazy exciting! I'm getting ready to start a life. A real life. So far every stage of my life has been sort of an in-between stage. In high school I was always waiting to get to college. In college I was always waiting to graduate and get a real job. And for the past year and a half I've been waiting to move out of my parents house and start a life of my own. But once I get to Louisville, there won't be any more waiting. It'll be the real thing. I'll be living in an awesome city near amazing people doing the job I've always dreamed of doing. My life is going to be freaking amazing. And I can barely wait.

Anyways, I was just really excited about everything that's happening right now and how close I am to my goal so I just wanted to share that with everyone :)

PS...I'll be trying out some new names for my blog. Obviously Adventures in Africa wasn't quite cutting it anymore. If anyone has suggestions I'd be happy to hear them. I'm terrible at this.