Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Story of How My Life is Awesome....Finally!

For those of you who have kept up with my blog I have some great news for you! YOU WIN A PRIZE! Just kidding. Well sort of. Your prize is that you get to continue reading my blog…. Or Marshall will lick you in the face. Those are your prize options. What I was actually going to say before I started typing haphazardly was that for those of you who have kept up with my blog, I know they’re usually slightly depressing. It’s been a rough couple of years. However! You’re in for a pleasant surprise. This one is not depressing. In fact, one might even say it is (gasp) happy. So hold on to your seats because Kelsey’s in a great mood (this could partly be due to the fact that I have a bag of delicious snacks next to me but we’ll say it’s only partially because of that).

So as you know, for approximately 43 days now I’ve lived in Louisville and have been officially working at Team Expansion. And I’m not gonna lie, it’s been pretty awesome. Let’s start from the beginning. Day 1: I moved in. Morning of Day 2: Marshall jumped in bed with my roommate at 7 am while she was still asleep. She did not get mad. She laughed. Awesome roommate. Evening of Day 2: My niece and nephew were born. Awesome day. Day 7: Went to the Post (Southeast’s Sunday night service) and afterwards met an awesome group of people who invited me to join their small group. Friends by Day 7!? Winning at adulthood already! At some point between Days 8 and 12 I cooked for myself (like a champ)—I made chicken bruschetta and some delicious bread. Well, I didn’t make the bread, but I didn’t put it in the oven and that counts! Days 13-20 were spent working from Chicago and spending time with my fantastically adorable niece and nephew (because I have the best boss ever and he let me work from home for a whole week before I’d even been here a month!).

I’m not going to lie to you—the rest of the days are kind of a blur and I can’t remember what really happened. I could make up day numbers and activities but I’m sure you’d all see right through me when I started saying things like “Day 58: Rode a narwhal to the Megashark vs. Dinocroc fight and stopped for Taco Bell with Margaret Thatcher after.” But the point isà so far, life is awesome. Let’s start with why my job is awesome.

My job is awesome. Not only because I have the most awesome boss in the world (which is true, he’s pretty fantastic and lets me go see my babies when I need to) but because I really do love what I do. I love what Team Expansion does. This is not in any way meant to belittle anyone else’s job—but I really do feel like I’m part of an organization that is doing THE most important thing in the world—reaching the unreached with the Gospel. I honestly can’t think of anything else in my life that would be more important than that. Jesus straight up said “Go and make disciples of all nations…” That wasn’t a suggestion, that’s what he told us to do. That was his final thought before he left earth. And I don’t think it was one of those “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this before, so do it if you want, no big deal” kind of final thoughts. I’m pretty sure he planned this one out ahead of time. (Just to clarify one more time—I’m not saying anyone else’s job isn’t important or that people can’t do mission work in their other chosen career fields. I absolutely think they do. I know they do. People can be involved in mission work and spreading the gospel in millions of ways. So I’m not trying to say you’re not as good as me because your job doesn’t involve working for a missions organization. I’m actually fairly certain that you’re better than me in multiple ways. Unless my Dad is reading this in which case Dad, I am better than you always and don’t forget it.) My point in all this is—I’m incredibly lucky to only be 24 and be totally and completely happy with my job. There’s nothing (so far—I’ve only been here a month you know) about my job that makes me dread coming into work or makes me wish I could do something else or leaves me feeling unfulfilled. Fulfilled. That’s the word I’m looking for. Finally, after years of working toward this point, I feel very fulfilled. I love what I do. I know what I’m doing, even when I’m making spreadsheets or e-mailing people I don’t know about events I don’t completely understand, is directly affecting the souls of people that don’t know Jesus (in a good way, just to be clear). That’s a pretty cool feeling. What else could you possibly ask for in a job?!

Other reasons my life is awesome--- I’ve met some really amazing people since I’ve moved to Louisville. There are awesome people I work with for sure. But even outside of work I’ve met some incredible people that have been ridiculously nice and welcoming to me considering they don’t know me at all. Within the first week I was here I met a great group of people and I’ve been in their small group ever since (which has led me to meet more incredible people).  The first night I met them they got my phone number and started inviting me to do things with them. Who does that!? Really nice people, that’s who. It was pretty cool. I met another great group of people through a person I’d never actually met. I had a friend who had a friend that lived here so we got in touch and she invited me to her small group too even though I’d never met her and as far as she knew, I was completely insane. I went to that small group also and those people were ridiculously nice and welcoming too! I don’t know if it’s Louisville or if this is what “southern hospitality” feels like or if I just happened upon some really wonderful groups of people…but either way, God has put some pretty great people in my life down here so far.

More reasons my life is awesome—Marshall and his new puppy roommate (my roommate’s dog) get along super well. They run around and play and Marshall gets all his energy out before bedtime, which is great. Plus, he’s always happy even when I’m at work all day because he has a puppy buddy. So that makes me feel much better about leaving him while I go to work. I’m not going to say I haven’t thought about bringing him to work with me…but I haven’t been able to come up with a conceivable way to sneak him in so if anyone has any ideas please share. I’ve considered dressing him up like a baby and telling everyone he’s my nephew but that hasn’t panned out so well yet. I’ve also considered getting him a Seeing Eye Dog vest and pretending I’ve been temporarily blinded. So that’s an option too.  

Let’s see, what else is awesome… Louisville is awesome. So far, it’s been a very fun city to explore.  I know there’s still tons I haven’t seen but from what I understand there’s all sorts of exciting things to do in the summer: Shakespeare in the Park (free!), random festivals and fairs (free!), lots of pretty parks and things to wander around (also free!), tons of great restaurants (not free but worth it!). I hear there’s a pretty fantastic local music scene too which I have not checked out yet but am super excited to find out about. So basically, Louisville’s a wonderful city so far.

So to sum up…my life is pretty great right now. It was a rough couple of years with all the fundraising and waiting and having little to no social interaction with people other than my parents for about a year….but it was absolutely worth the wait! I’m so so happy to finally be down here and to finally have a life.  I may not be completely winning at adulthood yet (I may or may not eat frozen dinners and Taco Bell 73% of the time) but so far I’ve paid all my bills on time and I haven’t died from malnutrition yet so I’ll count that as a win! High five for being awesome at adulthood!