In the last few days I've had people accuse me of preaching at them, been told I'm ranting, raving, and shouting into the air because of my Facebook posts and blogs. I've been told what I'm saying is worthless and divisive and giving publicity to racists. I've been told to stop, to support my president, and to move on. I've had people assume I'm not praying for the situation because I'm publicly speaking out against it. I've been accused of talking a lot but not doing enough.
And you know what, they might be right. I might be screaming at the top of my lungs into an abyss of nothingness where my words will dissipate and float away without anyone ever hearing them.
But I don't care.
For those of you that feel that way, that I need to stop or I'm causing problems needlessly, please let me explain why this is so important to me.
I want to be clear that I don't care if you voted for Trump or not. I don't think you're a racist or that you approve of the horrendously racist things that have been happening around our country in the name of Trump since Tuesday. I trust you made the best decision you could. And that's fine.
But that doesn't change the fact that THOUSANDS of people are now being bullied and harassed in the name of our new president-elect. If you don't believe me, follow Shaun King on Facebook or Twitter, who's keeping track of what's been happening. Look it up on CNN. I won't post the hundreds of articles I've seen here, I'll let you do your own research. But please believe me when I say it's happening. I know people personally, I have friends who know people personally, who have been harassed in the name of Trump this week. It's true. I know it's hard to accept, it's hard to believe, it's easy to pretend it's not happening, but it is. There's no way around it.
Why do I feel the need to speak out about it? Because ignoring it and refusing to acknowledge it is
extremely hurtful to the people it's happening to. By keeping silent we're allowing this to continue, saying it's not worth our time or our breath. We're showing how easy it is for us to pretend it's not happening, because it's not happening to US. It's not giving racists publicity, it's exposing them for what they are. Bringing their actions to light. Ephesians 5:11 even says, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Sins in the dark, in secret, have power. Exposing them to the light robs them of that power.
I had someone tell me the other day that talking about it doesn't help, but if they saw it happening they'd step in. That's great. So would I. But how often do we really see this type of racism in person? Most of us live in white, Christian bubbles. I know I do, at least. I have never in my life seen an act of blatant racism in person. Does that mean I get to ignore the fact that it's happening all over the country today?
Ask yourself this- if your 16 year old daughter was screamed at and called names and told she was going to be deported by a grown man in a public parking lot, would you stay quiet? Would you tell her to move on and quit whining because she's causing more problems by being vocal? I sincerely doubt it. So why should we ask that others who are hurting and scared keep quiet?
It is OUR responsibility, as the majority, to speak out publicly and tell our gay, Muslim, black, and Hispanic neighbors that we do NOT agree with this, we are sorry it's happening and we'll stand with them and protect them.
It's more important than ever, especially for Christians. Over 80% of white evangelicals voted for Trump, so the longer white evangelicals stay quiet about this wave of racism the longer our minority brothers and sisters think we approve of it. I know we don't, but we have to TELL THEM. We have to show them we love them. We can't assume they know it. If you voted for Trump, you're still allowed to speak out against racism being committed in his name. It's not being hypocritical, it's not an indirect apology, it's simply saying you're sorry this is happening and you don't approve. That's all.
So why talk about it on Facebook? First of all, it's important for people to understand that social media is my generation's main hub of communication. To me, sharing articles and writing blog posts is no different than Thomas Paine's Common Sense pamphlet or Martin Luther's 95 Theses (I mean it's probably different in quality, but you get my point). Both those men had messages and they shared those messages the best way they could, through writing and pamphlets and papers. They used the mediums they had access to to share what they felt was important. You think if Thomas Paine had access to Facebook he still would've printed hundreds of copies of a pamphlet and handed them out in the street?
Our world is different now. It just is. Messages that used to be shared in taverns or town halls or street corners are now being shared online.
Is Facebook the best medium for these things? Definitely not (although I would've loved to see
Luther's responses to the comment section on his 95 Theses blog). But for me, it's what I have access to. Believe it or not, no one has offered to give me a TV show or a radio program or even a weekly article in the paper. I know, surprising right? But for now, Facebook is my platform. Blog posts are my outlet.
I feel compelled to keep talking, keep sharing, keep being vocal about these things that are so important to me. And I'm going to do it in whatever way I can. And for now, that means Facebook and Twitter and blogs (until they offer me that TV deal).
Please understand, I hate controversy, I hate arguments on Facebook, I hate all of this. I don't share these things because I find it fun or entertaining. I feel sick every time I get a new Facebook notification because I'm afraid it's someone starting another fight or saying something hurtful, and I'm so uncomfortable with that tension.
But that's exactly why I feel like I have to fight through it. I have the option of stopping, of leaving that tension behind. But you know who doesn't? The Hispanic child who's the object of "Build the Wall!" chants in their classroom, or the Asian teenager being called a "yellow b****" by strange men, or the black woman who got a note on her car that said "N**** aren't welcome here. Go back to Africa. Watch your back. Trump 2016."
These people can't leave that tension behind, so neither will I.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
This is Why We're Scared
Someone asked me a really important question today.
I post a lot about Trump and the fear people have, but they asked- "Why? What are people afraid of? What do they think is going to happen?"
This is a GREAT question. So many of us, especially middle class white people, can't even begin to understand why so many minorities are scared right now. And I get it. Until you've experienced some type of assault or racism or sexism, you can't understand it. But I am begging you to try to see where the rest of us are coming from, try to understand why we feel the way we do.
So here was my answer:
Many people believe Trump is a racist. He has said so many racist, bigoted, and sexist things in his lifetime. I know that not every agrees that he's a racist, but many of us believe he is. The KKK endorsed him, he wants to build a wall to keep Hispanics out and wants to stop allowing refugees in. His campaign was (to many of us) built on a platform of fear and dislike of minorities.
So the fact that a majority of Americans supported him seems to say that a majority of Americans don't want minorities in their country. And that's very scary if you're a minority. America has a history of oppressing minorities or people we're afraid of. Native Americans, slavery, Japanese internment camps during WWII, Arabs after 9/11. We tend to be a pretty racist bunch. And normally presidents denounce that sort of behavior, but to many it feels like Trump encourages it.
So it's not so much that we're waiting for one specific event to happen. It's much more a spirit of fear among minorities knowing that (from what they've seen) white Americans don't want them here. And it is scary to think what that could lead do. Whether or not Trump is a racist, his fame and campaign has seemed to make a lot of people feel like it's ok to be racist and to be afraid of people who are different. And we've seen from our history what happens when people feel comfortable being racist.
It's also a fear for women to know our president has publicly joked about assaulting them. I can't even tell you how many people I know that have been victims of assault and are now being forced to re-live their attacks because of Trump's words. There are hispanic children in schools being bullied and told they're going to be sent "back home" because "Mexicans shouldn't be here." People have chanted "Build the wall!" at Hispanic teenagers who were simply standing in line outside a store.
People feel comfortable being racist now because they think their president endorses it. It doesn't matter if he really does or not because they believe he does and it makes them feel powerful. And what's even more dangerous is that middle class white people (who aren't racist and don't see or experience this type of racism every) think that nothing will or could happen. Many people think America is above that or we're too advanced to do that. And that's dangerous, because when we stop being aware of what's going on is when radical, racist people make their move and become powerful.
This is not a comparison to Hitler because I think Trump is Hitler, just to be clear. But before WWII TONS of Germans were supportive of Hitler because he promised them good things and they thought there was no way he would do something as insane as murdering 6 million Jews. They didn't believe it because it seemed so crazy to them. So when they weren't looking, it happened. Because the average, moderate person wasn't paying attention or realizing how dangerous that kind of rhetoric was because to them it seemed like it would never happen (and it wouldn't affect them so they weren't worried about finding out if it could happen).
So again, it's not that there's 1 specific event people are afraid of, but they are afraid of the general spirit in America right now, knowing that over half the country approves of a man many believe is incredibly racist and sexist. And they don't know what that means for their future. It may mean more hate crimes, it may mean deportation or bullying or feeling unsafe in their own homes. But the point is that a president is giving racists power and strength and a voice. And that's very scary.
Trump may not be racist himself, it's entirely possible he's just capitalized on what he knew would win him votes. One friend said, "I don't think Trump is particularly racist, at least any more than a lot of 70 year olds, but I do think he's an amoral opportunist who knew he had to differentiate himself in a large pool of candidates and he used latent racism in the country to get his start. Many of us said this was bad not because he would round people up, but because of things like this. Everyone knows there's cockroaches around, but if your roommate starts feeding them and you find them on your toothbrush you're still gonna be pissed and blame him for it."
But the point is that racism is now almost acceptable in our country. And many are afraid of what that means for their future.
If you want examples, here are a number of them.
This is a group of middle schoolers chanting "Build the Wall!"
This is a list of troubling events that happened on the very first day of Trump being president-elect, including graffiti that said "Make America White Again" and "Black Lives don't matter and neither do your votes."
This is a school in Pennsylvania where the school leadership had to have a convocation and send a letter home because kids were yelling "cotton picker" at black students and doing Heil Hitler salutes.
So please, white people, Christians, middle class Americans, don't turn a blind eye to what's happening just because it's not happening to you. Don't ignore the turmoil our black, Muslim, and gay brothers and sisters are going through. I beg you to do more research, keep an open mind, talk to people that have a different opinion than you and be willing to listen.
You might not be racist and you might not be sexist and Trump might not even be any of those things, but there are people that ARE those things. And we've given them power. And that is terrifying.
You may have voted for Trump. And it's ok. It's done now and there's no point in us continuing to fight about it. So now is the time to stand with us, stand up for the voiceless, speak out against hate, go out of your way to do something kind for an immigrant and show them that WE LOVE THEM no matter what happens. You say you aren't racist, you aren't sexist, you only voted for Trump for economic or religious reasons. Fine. Let's SHOW IT! Show the world we aren't racist, show the world we love everyone, show the world we can rise above.
Christians, let's stand up together, stand up for love and for acceptance and let's show the world who Jesus really is and what his followers are capable of and willing to do in the name of love.
I post a lot about Trump and the fear people have, but they asked- "Why? What are people afraid of? What do they think is going to happen?"
This is a GREAT question. So many of us, especially middle class white people, can't even begin to understand why so many minorities are scared right now. And I get it. Until you've experienced some type of assault or racism or sexism, you can't understand it. But I am begging you to try to see where the rest of us are coming from, try to understand why we feel the way we do.
So here was my answer:
Many people believe Trump is a racist. He has said so many racist, bigoted, and sexist things in his lifetime. I know that not every agrees that he's a racist, but many of us believe he is. The KKK endorsed him, he wants to build a wall to keep Hispanics out and wants to stop allowing refugees in. His campaign was (to many of us) built on a platform of fear and dislike of minorities.
So the fact that a majority of Americans supported him seems to say that a majority of Americans don't want minorities in their country. And that's very scary if you're a minority. America has a history of oppressing minorities or people we're afraid of. Native Americans, slavery, Japanese internment camps during WWII, Arabs after 9/11. We tend to be a pretty racist bunch. And normally presidents denounce that sort of behavior, but to many it feels like Trump encourages it.
So it's not so much that we're waiting for one specific event to happen. It's much more a spirit of fear among minorities knowing that (from what they've seen) white Americans don't want them here. And it is scary to think what that could lead do. Whether or not Trump is a racist, his fame and campaign has seemed to make a lot of people feel like it's ok to be racist and to be afraid of people who are different. And we've seen from our history what happens when people feel comfortable being racist.
It's also a fear for women to know our president has publicly joked about assaulting them. I can't even tell you how many people I know that have been victims of assault and are now being forced to re-live their attacks because of Trump's words. There are hispanic children in schools being bullied and told they're going to be sent "back home" because "Mexicans shouldn't be here." People have chanted "Build the wall!" at Hispanic teenagers who were simply standing in line outside a store.
People feel comfortable being racist now because they think their president endorses it. It doesn't matter if he really does or not because they believe he does and it makes them feel powerful. And what's even more dangerous is that middle class white people (who aren't racist and don't see or experience this type of racism every) think that nothing will or could happen. Many people think America is above that or we're too advanced to do that. And that's dangerous, because when we stop being aware of what's going on is when radical, racist people make their move and become powerful.
This is not a comparison to Hitler because I think Trump is Hitler, just to be clear. But before WWII TONS of Germans were supportive of Hitler because he promised them good things and they thought there was no way he would do something as insane as murdering 6 million Jews. They didn't believe it because it seemed so crazy to them. So when they weren't looking, it happened. Because the average, moderate person wasn't paying attention or realizing how dangerous that kind of rhetoric was because to them it seemed like it would never happen (and it wouldn't affect them so they weren't worried about finding out if it could happen).
So again, it's not that there's 1 specific event people are afraid of, but they are afraid of the general spirit in America right now, knowing that over half the country approves of a man many believe is incredibly racist and sexist. And they don't know what that means for their future. It may mean more hate crimes, it may mean deportation or bullying or feeling unsafe in their own homes. But the point is that a president is giving racists power and strength and a voice. And that's very scary.
Trump may not be racist himself, it's entirely possible he's just capitalized on what he knew would win him votes. One friend said, "I don't think Trump is particularly racist, at least any more than a lot of 70 year olds, but I do think he's an amoral opportunist who knew he had to differentiate himself in a large pool of candidates and he used latent racism in the country to get his start. Many of us said this was bad not because he would round people up, but because of things like this. Everyone knows there's cockroaches around, but if your roommate starts feeding them and you find them on your toothbrush you're still gonna be pissed and blame him for it."
But the point is that racism is now almost acceptable in our country. And many are afraid of what that means for their future.
If you want examples, here are a number of them.
This is a group of middle schoolers chanting "Build the Wall!"
This is a list of troubling events that happened on the very first day of Trump being president-elect, including graffiti that said "Make America White Again" and "Black Lives don't matter and neither do your votes."
This is a school in Pennsylvania where the school leadership had to have a convocation and send a letter home because kids were yelling "cotton picker" at black students and doing Heil Hitler salutes.
So please, white people, Christians, middle class Americans, don't turn a blind eye to what's happening just because it's not happening to you. Don't ignore the turmoil our black, Muslim, and gay brothers and sisters are going through. I beg you to do more research, keep an open mind, talk to people that have a different opinion than you and be willing to listen.
You might not be racist and you might not be sexist and Trump might not even be any of those things, but there are people that ARE those things. And we've given them power. And that is terrifying.
You may have voted for Trump. And it's ok. It's done now and there's no point in us continuing to fight about it. So now is the time to stand with us, stand up for the voiceless, speak out against hate, go out of your way to do something kind for an immigrant and show them that WE LOVE THEM no matter what happens. You say you aren't racist, you aren't sexist, you only voted for Trump for economic or religious reasons. Fine. Let's SHOW IT! Show the world we aren't racist, show the world we love everyone, show the world we can rise above.
Christians, let's stand up together, stand up for love and for acceptance and let's show the world who Jesus really is and what his followers are capable of and willing to do in the name of love.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
I Don't Think You Get It
I'm sad today. But I don't know if you really get why.
I don't think very many of you understand how deeply some of us are hurting today. This is not a normal election, it's not that we're sad our candidate lost or we're unsure of the politics of our new president. This is unlike any other election we've ever had.
We're worried for our gay friends, our black friends, our Muslim friends. We're worried that our government is going to encourage hatred or at the very least turn a blind eye to it. We're worried that sexual assault victims will continue to be shamed because now there's a presidential precedent for it. We're afraid that if we gain weight it's now ok to publicly mock us on Twitter for being fat.
But most of all, for me at least, today marks one of the most disappointing days of my life. Again, not because we don't like our president or because we disagree with him. But because we realized our entire nation isn't what we thought it was. I am totally and completely disillusioned with our country. And it's heartbreaking to me. I love America. I have always believe that it stood for truth, for good, for the love of others. And today I'm realizing that's simply not true. Fear and hatred won out. And it's hard. And it's sad.
I'm going to be honest, I'm also feeling disappointed by my Christian family, by the church as a whole. I want to be clear- I know many good Christian people that voted for Trump. It made me sad and I don't understand it, but I believe many of you who did, did so with the best of intentions. I don't question your faith or your careful thought. But it still hurts me. Because to me, I genuinely do not understand how you can side with someone who is so full of hate and lies and cruelty. He has admitted to and joked about sexually assaulting women. I am now supposed to think this man will keep me safe, my country safe, other women safe. That's hard for me to understand. Again, I don't question your Christianity, I don't question your love for the Lord or for others, but I genuinely don't understand how or why you made the choice you did. And it's hard. And it's sad.
So many people are saying to get over it, that it's over and done, that we need to support him now that he's elected. But I just don't agree. I cannot simply get over the fact that we've allowed this man to lead us.
One of the things I struggle with most is how I seem to be on the complete opposite side of so many
people I love and respect. I understand (and completely respect) having separate political beliefs. I think it's important and necessary. But to believe SO differently about a person's character than so many other Christians-- Am I wrong? Are they wrong? Are both of us wrong to a certain extent? Is it really ok to support a man who has said such awful, ungodly things in public? How can people I love and admire be ok with that? I just honestly don't understand. I'm trying to, I really am. I want to! But so far I can't. And it just makes me overwhelmingly sad.
I feel like an outcast, a pariah among the church. That I am somehow lesser for my desire to stand up for what I believe, that I should keep quiet and join the crowd, that I'm being divisive and un-Christian by speaking up. And I feel very alone.
Am I? Am I wrong? Is Jesus not who I thought he was? Does he not stand for what I thought he did? Is it ok to put a cruel man in power because we agree with him on some issues? Should we put ourselves and our families' safety before the safety of immigrants and refugees? Do we not need to stand up for the voiceless because we don't agree with their lifestyle? Can we really ignore such terrifying character flaws? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm not being sardonic. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad or guilty for their choice. I am just genuinely struggling through this, through what I thought I knew to be true. And I don't understand.
Honestly, today has been one of the biggest faith struggles I've ever had. People are saying God has answered their prayers with Trump, that God made his choice. That's not untrue. But what about my prayers? What about the prayers of the people that are afraid they're getting deported as soon as he's instated? What about the prayers of the sexual assault victims who were terrified of being reminded of their assault day after day by a President who has made light of it? Were we on the wrong side of this? Is this really what God wants? How could I have been so wrong?
I genuinely don't understand. I'm not really angry, maybe a little bitter, but for the most part, I am genuinely confused. And sad. Because I don't get it. I don't get how people can be ok with this. I'm not trying to be dramatic or inflammatory, I just honestly don't get it.
I want to reiterate that none of this is meant to be a judgment of anyone who has or will now support Trump. I know you probably did not do so easily and I don't question your faith or your love for minorities or the outcasts. I really don't.
But I am wholeheartedly struggling through this, struggling to understand what happened and why. And where I fit in. Because right now I have no idea.
So please, for the sake of those of us who are hurting deeply, down to our very core, don't tell us to get over it, don't say we're being dramatic or sore losers. It's so much more than that. Give us grace and give us time and space to figure out what's next for us, how we move on, how we rejoin families and churches who we feel have let us down, and how we continue to protect and stand up for those who can't themselves. Because it's going to be a long, hard road. And it won't be easy.
I don't think very many of you understand how deeply some of us are hurting today. This is not a normal election, it's not that we're sad our candidate lost or we're unsure of the politics of our new president. This is unlike any other election we've ever had.
We're worried for our gay friends, our black friends, our Muslim friends. We're worried that our government is going to encourage hatred or at the very least turn a blind eye to it. We're worried that sexual assault victims will continue to be shamed because now there's a presidential precedent for it. We're afraid that if we gain weight it's now ok to publicly mock us on Twitter for being fat.
But most of all, for me at least, today marks one of the most disappointing days of my life. Again, not because we don't like our president or because we disagree with him. But because we realized our entire nation isn't what we thought it was. I am totally and completely disillusioned with our country. And it's heartbreaking to me. I love America. I have always believe that it stood for truth, for good, for the love of others. And today I'm realizing that's simply not true. Fear and hatred won out. And it's hard. And it's sad.
I'm going to be honest, I'm also feeling disappointed by my Christian family, by the church as a whole. I want to be clear- I know many good Christian people that voted for Trump. It made me sad and I don't understand it, but I believe many of you who did, did so with the best of intentions. I don't question your faith or your careful thought. But it still hurts me. Because to me, I genuinely do not understand how you can side with someone who is so full of hate and lies and cruelty. He has admitted to and joked about sexually assaulting women. I am now supposed to think this man will keep me safe, my country safe, other women safe. That's hard for me to understand. Again, I don't question your Christianity, I don't question your love for the Lord or for others, but I genuinely don't understand how or why you made the choice you did. And it's hard. And it's sad.
So many people are saying to get over it, that it's over and done, that we need to support him now that he's elected. But I just don't agree. I cannot simply get over the fact that we've allowed this man to lead us.
One of the things I struggle with most is how I seem to be on the complete opposite side of so many
people I love and respect. I understand (and completely respect) having separate political beliefs. I think it's important and necessary. But to believe SO differently about a person's character than so many other Christians-- Am I wrong? Are they wrong? Are both of us wrong to a certain extent? Is it really ok to support a man who has said such awful, ungodly things in public? How can people I love and admire be ok with that? I just honestly don't understand. I'm trying to, I really am. I want to! But so far I can't. And it just makes me overwhelmingly sad.
I feel like an outcast, a pariah among the church. That I am somehow lesser for my desire to stand up for what I believe, that I should keep quiet and join the crowd, that I'm being divisive and un-Christian by speaking up. And I feel very alone.
Am I? Am I wrong? Is Jesus not who I thought he was? Does he not stand for what I thought he did? Is it ok to put a cruel man in power because we agree with him on some issues? Should we put ourselves and our families' safety before the safety of immigrants and refugees? Do we not need to stand up for the voiceless because we don't agree with their lifestyle? Can we really ignore such terrifying character flaws? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm not being sardonic. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad or guilty for their choice. I am just genuinely struggling through this, through what I thought I knew to be true. And I don't understand.
Honestly, today has been one of the biggest faith struggles I've ever had. People are saying God has answered their prayers with Trump, that God made his choice. That's not untrue. But what about my prayers? What about the prayers of the people that are afraid they're getting deported as soon as he's instated? What about the prayers of the sexual assault victims who were terrified of being reminded of their assault day after day by a President who has made light of it? Were we on the wrong side of this? Is this really what God wants? How could I have been so wrong?
I genuinely don't understand. I'm not really angry, maybe a little bitter, but for the most part, I am genuinely confused. And sad. Because I don't get it. I don't get how people can be ok with this. I'm not trying to be dramatic or inflammatory, I just honestly don't get it.
I want to reiterate that none of this is meant to be a judgment of anyone who has or will now support Trump. I know you probably did not do so easily and I don't question your faith or your love for minorities or the outcasts. I really don't.
But I am wholeheartedly struggling through this, struggling to understand what happened and why. And where I fit in. Because right now I have no idea.
So please, for the sake of those of us who are hurting deeply, down to our very core, don't tell us to get over it, don't say we're being dramatic or sore losers. It's so much more than that. Give us grace and give us time and space to figure out what's next for us, how we move on, how we rejoin families and churches who we feel have let us down, and how we continue to protect and stand up for those who can't themselves. Because it's going to be a long, hard road. And it won't be easy.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
When the Winners are Losers
So, I (obviously) have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this election. But please, let me make one more plea to those of you considering voting for Trump.
If you want to vote for a conservative because of the Supreme Court, economic issues, abortion, that's fine! I get it! Vote for Evan McMullin. He's an awesome choice for all those things. Or Gary Johnson. Or write in Jesus.
I've heard a lot of people say, "But a third party candidate will never win. It's a wasted vote."
Here's my question: Since when did we start making our decisions based on who's going to win? Since when is that an acceptable way to make a choice?
Would you ever teach a kid to take the side of a bully over a victim because it was clear the bully was going to win?
Would you switch sides during a war because you thought your side might lose?
Would you ever switch teams halfway through a football game because you thought the other team would win?
What would you say if your kid did that?
When have we ever been a people that took the side of the loud, aggressive bully just because we thought he would win and we didn't want to be on the losing side because we were afraid of what would happen? Is that us?
We are AMERICA! We're supposed to fight for the underdog, the little guy, for the good guys.
Friends, please, STAND UP! Be brave!! By all means, vote for what you believe in, but vote for a person who genuinely stands for those things, who you believe will be a good leader, who you can confidently put your stamp of approval on.
Would you let Donald Trump teach your kids? Run your church? Be alone in a room with your wife? My guess is no- but we're still willing to let him run the entire country? It's fear and fear alone that's driving his campaign.
I know you're afraid that voting for a 3rd party means a Hillary presidency. I understand that. And you might be right. But God is in control, He is sovereign no matter who is president. But your conscience is yours and yours alone to bear.
Do we want our kids to know that we compromised our values and our morals because we thought we would win? What does that teach them? That winning is more important than standing up for what's right?
That's not us. That's not who we are and that's not who we have ever been.
So please, I am begging you, for the sake of your children and my children and their children, be courageous, stand up for a person you can believe in. Don't let fear take hold.
Make your decision based on what you actually believe, what you actually stand for, not what you're afraid of.
If you want to vote for a conservative because of the Supreme Court, economic issues, abortion, that's fine! I get it! Vote for Evan McMullin. He's an awesome choice for all those things. Or Gary Johnson. Or write in Jesus.
I've heard a lot of people say, "But a third party candidate will never win. It's a wasted vote."
Here's my question: Since when did we start making our decisions based on who's going to win? Since when is that an acceptable way to make a choice?
Would you ever teach a kid to take the side of a bully over a victim because it was clear the bully was going to win?
Would you switch sides during a war because you thought your side might lose?
Would you ever switch teams halfway through a football game because you thought the other team would win?
What would you say if your kid did that?
When have we ever been a people that took the side of the loud, aggressive bully just because we thought he would win and we didn't want to be on the losing side because we were afraid of what would happen? Is that us?
We are AMERICA! We're supposed to fight for the underdog, the little guy, for the good guys.
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THIS should be us! Let's do more of this! |
Friends, please, STAND UP! Be brave!! By all means, vote for what you believe in, but vote for a person who genuinely stands for those things, who you believe will be a good leader, who you can confidently put your stamp of approval on.
Would you let Donald Trump teach your kids? Run your church? Be alone in a room with your wife? My guess is no- but we're still willing to let him run the entire country? It's fear and fear alone that's driving his campaign.
I know you're afraid that voting for a 3rd party means a Hillary presidency. I understand that. And you might be right. But God is in control, He is sovereign no matter who is president. But your conscience is yours and yours alone to bear.
Do we want our kids to know that we compromised our values and our morals because we thought we would win? What does that teach them? That winning is more important than standing up for what's right?
That's not us. That's not who we are and that's not who we have ever been.
So please, I am begging you, for the sake of your children and my children and their children, be courageous, stand up for a person you can believe in. Don't let fear take hold.
Make your decision based on what you actually believe, what you actually stand for, not what you're afraid of.
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