Monday, May 10, 2010

Battling Self-Imposed Illiteracy

So my college career is coming to a close, which is super weird. I'm finished with all of my assignments and now I'm basically just waiting to crazy is that!?

In any case, I have another question for everyone. Let me start by saying this, I love reading. It's one of my favorite things to do, when it's for fun, that is. But for the last 4 years I've really only read school assigned books and I feel like I've missed out! I know I'm going to have most of my evenings free when I'm in Kenya and I'd like to catch up on my reading for fun. That being said, what are some awesome books that I should take with me to Kenya? 

I need some ideas, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, pseudo-fiction, whatever! It needs to be something that will be crazy amazing/entertaining that I'll love so much I won't be able to put it down. Some of the ones I've purchased so far to bring are The Bell Jar, Blue Like Jazz, and Catcher in the Rye. 

Does anyone have any suggestions of books I can't live without reading!?


  1. Slapstick by Kurt Vonnegut and
    Any Dennis Lehane book

    When do u leave?

  2. In addition to Good Books (which you should definitely bring), bring one or two that are just for fun. My experience traveling far from home is that there are nights when some "comfort reading" is very very welcome.

    With that said... recommendations?

    Peter's right about Vonnegut, but you want Cat's Cradle, not Slapstick, for your trip.

    Douglas Adams- "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," of course, or one of the big collections of all the books in that series if it will squash into your luggage.

    Terry Pratchett- try "Guards! Guards!" or "Small Gods"

    Martin Millar- "The Lonely Werewolf Girl"

    Neil Gaiman- take a collection of short stories, maybe "Fragile Things."

    Christopher Moore- "Lamb"

  3. I think you need to have the Number One Ladies Detective Agency books, they take place in Botswana, which isn't too far away and you would really have a good feel for the country by reading a book that takes place in Africa while you are in Africa.

  4. I could tell you many books that you should read from my perspective, but I don't think they are up to snuff for you :)

  5. Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I will have to pick some of those up this week.

    And Pete, I leave May 26!!

  6. I just sent an email, but I meant to leave a comment. I'll try it here...

    The Jesus Creed by Scot McKnight

    Crazy Love by Francis Chan

    A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller

    The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen

    Some of my favorites.
